Fact: The Best Athletes Have the Best Balance.
Designed by the author of Balance is Power and the developer of the patented SlackBow Athletic Balance Training System
The Best Balance Training Device…Period
Small Size - Incredible Performance
It is small and does not look like much but you will be amazed at the balance challenge. Then after training for a little as 4 hours, you will be astounded by the improvement in your agility, coordination, aim and winning percentage.
Balance is Power
The Book
Written in a simple logical style. You don’t need to refer to your high school anatomy book to look up latin words for each and every muscle. There are no latin words. Just a clear logical presentation of the balance system, why it is so important to a better life, better sports performance and how to improve it.
The SlackBow is the best way to improve coordination and agility through better balance.
Word class teams and D1 schools have discovered the incredible value of the SlackBow
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Jim Klopman
Inventor, Developer & Author
Jim is a lifelong innovator who has always been one of those people who thinks differently. He believes balance training has sharpened his ability to make new neural connections and see the possibilities and pathways that others miss.