Why Balance Train?
Why SlackBow Balance Training is the most effective way to play and perform better.
Your balance system is the boss. You cannot out-perform your balance skills.
Improved balance brings better thinking, more fun and a longer life.
Building bigger muscles alone may cause injuries if you don’t also improve the coordination and control systems through better balance.
Huge Agility Upscale
If you run and change direction faster than your balance can control then you will fall or stumble. Your balance system is designed to protect you. It will subconsciously throttle your speed to what the balance system can control.
Everybody’s Balance is Getting Worse
Falls are the #1 cause of ER visits for people over 45. They are the #1 cause of accidental injury for people over 65. These numbers have been steadily rising. We are getting worse, not better.
Injuries in football and basketball per capita have risen in the last 30 years. With all the new methods and tech, they should have gone down. The missing link is coordination improvement by balance training.
Increased Power and
Control in Hitting
You cannot swing a bat, a golf club or a tennis racquet faster or harder than your balance system allows. Everyone knows if you “over-swing” you loose control and power. Increase your balance and almost like magic you will swing faster with more control.
Modern Life Is Wrecking
Your Balance
Use it or lose it. Perfectly flat floors, sidewalks and indoor spaces are zero balance challenge spaces. Your balance gets degraded to match the non-challenge of these spaces. Current shoe design destroys your balance skills. Raised toe box and heel cause a bad body position and posture.
Build Better Muscles,
Not Bigger
Strength and Conditioning is always focused on strength of the isolated large muscle groups. Why not more time spent on balance? The balance system is the basis for agility and coordination.
Improved Power and
Control in Throwing
You can’t throw any better than what your balance system allows. Many great pitchers lose just a little bit of their edge and become hit-able because of an unfelt and unrecognized loss of balance. The same is true for shooting a basketball or rolling a bowling ball. If you need to take aim, better balance will make you better.
Better Balance Improves Cognitive
Performance and Fun
Do you want to hang out at your dull, drab, zero balance office? No! You want to get out and play. Play golf, soccer, hockey, ski, run, paddle, surf, tennis, hike, climb. It is not the movement that makes you feel better. Challenging your balance is what makes it fun. If it was just movement then going to a gym would be fun.
The Balance System
is on 24/7
You don’t use every muscle, every second when you play a sport or even when you just live from hour to hour. But… like your heart rate beats non-stop, your balance system always is always working…How come you don’t work on training your balance more?
The Best Balance Training Device…Period
Small Size - Incredible Performance
It is small and does not look like much but you will be amazed at the balance challenge. Then after training for a little as 4 hours, you will be astounded by the improvement in your agility, coordination, aim and winning percentage.
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